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TDA8595TH  I2Cbus controlled 4 ′ 45 W power amplifier
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US $12.00 / PCS
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US $12.00
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Product Details
Part no.TDA8595TH
ManutacturerNXP Semiconductors
Date CodeN/A
DescriptionI2C-bus controlled 4 ′ 45 W power amplifier
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Electronic Manufacturer Part no Datasheet Electronics Description
NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors
TDA8595TH I2C-bus controlled 4 ´ 45 W power amplifier
$ 12.00 (USD)/PCS
Buyer comment area ^_^
 张*****  Order Number: PO:********5016611#
2017/5/5 21:45:01(time)
 Seller(Anderson) Reply: According to the Bailian Group previously released announcement, the Alibaba Lianhua Supermarket issued share capital of 18%, becoming the second largest shareholder. It is worth noting that the announcement noted that fresh fruit is easy to hold 1.17% of the shares, will continue to play its long-term accumulation in fresh supply chain and logistics advantages, the formation of strategic complementarity and collaborative business and Lianhua supermarket. 2017-06-01 © 2006-2017 Internet Thinking(Hong Kong) Electronic Co.,Limited(Copyright)