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SN65HVD11DR  3.3V 差动收发器
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Part no.SN65HVD11DR
ManutacturerTexas Instruments
Description3.3V 差动收发器
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Texas Instruments SN65HVD11DR

The SN65HVD10, SN75HVD10, SN65HVD11, SN75HVD11, SN65HVD12, and SN75HVD12 bus transceivers combine a 3-state differential line driver and differential input line receiver that operate with a single 3.3-V power supply. They are designed for balanced transmission lines and meet or exceed ANSI standard TIA/EIA-485-A and ISO 8482:1993. These differential bus transceivers are monolithic integrated circuits designed for bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus-transmission lines. The drivers and receivers have active-high and active-low enables, respectively, that can be externally connected together to function as direction control. Very low device standby supply current can be achieved by disabling the driver and the receiver.

The driver differential outputs and receiver differential inputs connect internally to form a differential input/ output (I/O) bus port that is designed to offer minimum loading to the bus whenever the driver is disabled or VCC = 0. These parts feature wide positive and negative common-mode voltage ranges making them suitable for party-line applications.

的sn65hvd10,sn75hvd10,sn65hvd11,sn75hvd11,sn65hvd12,和sn75hvd12总线收发器结合了三态差分线路驱动器和差分输入线接收器,工作在3.3 V单电源。他们是专为平衡传输线,达到或超过ANSI和ISO标准TIA/EIA-485-A 8482:1993。这些差分总线收发器是为多点总线传输线双向数据通信而设计的单片集成电路。驱动器和接收器具有高电平和有源低电平,分别能够外部连接在一起作为方向控制功能。非常低的设备备用电源电流可以通过禁用驱动程序和接收器来实现。
司机差分输出和接收器差分输入连接在内部形成差分输入/输出(I / O)总线端口,其目的是提供最低负荷的总线时,司机被禁用或VCC = 0。这些部分具有广泛的正面和负面共模电压范围,使他们适合党的线路应用。
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