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TPS54291PWP  转换器 1.5A/2.5A Dual, FullySynchronous Buck Converter With Integrated MOSFET
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US $2.50 / PCS
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US $2.50
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Part no.TPS54291PWP
Description转换器 1.5-A/2.5-A Dual, Fully-Synchronous Buck Converter With Integrated MOSFET
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Texas Instruments TPS54291PWPR

The TPS54290, TPS54291, and TPS54292 devices are dual-output, fully synchronous buck converters capable of supporting applications with a minimal number of external components. It operates from a 4.5-V to 18-V input supply voltage, and supports output voltages as low as 0.8 V and as high as 90% of the input voltage.

Both high-side and low-side MOSFETs are integrated to provide fully synchronous conversion with higher efficiency. Channel 1 can provide up to 1.5 A of continuous current. Meanwhile, Channel 2 supports up to 2.5 A.

Current mode control simplifies the compensation. The external compensation adds flexibility for the user to choose different type of output capacitors.

180° out-of-phase operation reduces the ripple current through the input capacitor, providing the benefit of reducing input capacitance, alleviating EMI and increasing capacitor life.


的tps54290,tps54291,和tps54292设备双输出,完全同步降压转换器,能够用最少的外部元件数目的配套应用。它从一个4.5-v至18-V输入电源电压,并支持输出电压低至0.8 V和输入电压的高90%。
高侧和低侧MOSFET的集成,以提供更高的效率完全同步转换。通道1可提供多达1.5个连续电流。同时,通道2支持最多2.5 A。

$ 2.50 (USD)/PCS
$ 2.50 (USD)/PCS
$ 2.50 (USD)/PCS
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 智*****  Order Number: PO:********2047641#
2017/4/30 15:12:04(time)
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 Seller(Anderson) Reply: 全新原装现货
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2017/4/19 19:44:51(time)
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