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TPS62050DGSR  开关稳压器
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Power management
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Part no.TPS62050DGSR
Date Code18+
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Texas Instruments TPS62050DGSR

The TPS6205x devices are a family of high-efficiency synchronous step-down DC-DC converters that are ideally suited for systems powered from a 1- or 2-cell Li-Ion battery or from a 3- to 5-cell NiCd, NiMH, or alkaline battery.

The TPS6205x devices are synchronous pulse width modulation (PWM) converters with integrated N- and P-channel power MOSFET switches. Synchronous rectification increases efficiency and reduces external component count. To achieve highest efficiency over a wide load current range, the converter enters a power-saving pulse frequency modulation (PFM) mode at light load currents. Operating frequency is typically 850 kHz, allowing the use of small inductor and capacitor values. The device can be synchronized to an external clock signal in the range of 600 kHz to 1.2 MHz. For low noise operation, the converter can be programmed into forced-fixed frequency in PWM mode. In shutdown mode, the current consumption is reduced to less than 2 µA. The TPS6205x devices are available in the 10-pin (DGS) micro-small outline package (MSOP) and operates over a free air temperature range of –40°C to 85°C.

的tps6205x设备同步脉冲宽度调制(PWM)集成了N和P沟道MOSFET开关变换器。同步整流提高效率和减少外部元件计数。为了在宽负载电流范围内达到最高效率,转换器在轻负载电流下进入节能脉冲频率调制(PFM)模式。工作频率通常为850千赫,允许使用小电感和电容值。该设备可以同步到一个外部时钟信号的范围为600千赫至1.2兆赫。对于低噪声操作,可在PWM模式下将变换器编程为强制固定频率。在关断模式下,电流消耗降低到小于2µA. tps6205x器件提供10引脚(DGS)微小型封装(MSOP)和工作在一个自由的–40°C空气温度范围为85°C.

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