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TPS79733DCKRG4  稳压器Ultralow IQ, 50mA LDO Linear Regulators with Power Good Output 5SC70 40 to 85
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Power management
Product Details
Part no.TPS79733DCKRG4
ManutacturerTexas Instruments
Date Code17+
Description稳压器Ultralow IQ, 50mA LDO Linear Regulators with Power Good Output 5-SC70 -40 to 85
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TPS79733DCKR Datasheet, PDF

Electronic Manufacturer Part no Datasheet Electronics Description
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments
TPS79733DCKR [Old version datasheet] Ultra-Low IQ, 50mA LDO Linear Regulators with Power Good Output in SC70 Package
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments
TPS79733DCKRG4 [Old version datasheet] Ultra-Low IQ, 50mA LDO Linear Regulators with Power Good Output in SC70 Package
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TPS79733DCKTG4 [Old version datasheet] Ultra-Low IQ, 50mA LDO Linear Regulators with Power Good Output in SC70 Package

TPS79733DCKR Datasheet, PDF More


Texas Instruments TPS79733DCKR

The TPS797xx family of low-dropout voltage regulators (LDOs) offers the benefits of low-dropout voltage and ultra-low-power operation. The device is stable with any capacitor greater than 0.47-µF. Therefore, implementations of this device require very little board space due to the miniaturized packaging and potentially small output capacitor. In addition, the family includes an integrated open drain active-high power good (PG) output. Intended for use in microcontroller-based, battery-powered applications, the TPS797xx family low dropout and ultra-low-power operation result in a significant increase in system battery operating life. The small packaging minimizes consumption of board space.

The device is enabled when the applied voltage exceeds the minimum input voltage. The usual PNP pass transistor has been replaced by a PMOS pass element. Because the PMOS pass element behaves as a low-value resistor, the dropout voltage is very low (typically, 105 mV at 10-mA of load current), and is directly proportional to the load current. The quiescent current is ultra-low (1.2-µA, typically) and is stable over the entire range of output load current (0 mA to 50 mA). When properly configured with a pullup resistor, the PG output can implement a power-on reset or low-battery indicator.


当所施加的电压超过最低输入电压时,设备启用。通常的PNP晶体管已被PMOS旁路元件所取代。因为PMOS旁路元件表现为低值电阻器,所以压降很低(通常在负载电流10毫安时为105毫伏),并且与负载电流成正比。The quiescent current is ultra-low (1.2-µA, typically) and is stable over the entire range of output load current (0 mA to 50 mA). 当适当的上拉电阻配置,PG输出可以实现上电复位或低电量指标。

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