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LMR14020SDDAR  稳压器 LMR14020简单切换器40 V 2 A,2.2 MHz降压转换器,带40A IQ
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Power management
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Part no.LMR14020SDDAR
Description稳压器 LMR14020简单切换器40 V 2 A,2.2 MHz降压转换器,带40A IQ
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Texas Instruments LMR14020SDDAR

The LMR14020 is a 40 V, 2 A step down regulator with an integrated high-side MOSFET. With a wide input range from 4 V to 40 V, it’s suitable for various applications from industrial to automotive for power conditioning from unregulated sources. The regulator’s quiescent current is 40 µA in Sleep-mode, which is suitable for battery powered systems. An ultra-low 1 µA current in shutdown mode can further prolong battery life. A wide adjustable switching frequency range allows either efficiency or external component size to be optimized. Internal loop compensation means that the user is free from the tedious task of loop compensation design. This also minimizes the external components of the device. A precision enable input allows simplification of regulator control and system power sequencing. The device also has built-in protection features such as cycle-by-cycle current limit, thermal sensing and shutdown due to excessive power dissipation, and output overvoltage protection.

the lmr14020是40 V,2步下调节以及集成高侧MOSFET。以及宽输入范围从4 V至40 V,这是适合各种应用from实业to汽车for Power空调from无管制的来源。the regulator' 40μS的静态电流是在睡眠模式,这是适合于电池供电系统。年超低1μcurrent in关机模式可以进一步延长电池寿命。开关频率可调范围宽的外部组件的尺寸允许或者效率或是最佳的。内环路补偿means that the user is free from the乏味任务环路补偿设计。这也minimizes the external components of the装置。精密的输入允许简化调节控制和系统功率序列中。装置还内置保护features such as逐周期电流限制,热传感和关机由于过度功耗,输出过电压保护。
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